O God, our Guide and Companion,
You have brought us through this day to a time of reflection and rest.
Calm our souls and refresh us with your peace.
In Christ, draw us closer to one another in the bonds of his love.
We bless you for the wonders of creation, the delights of human companionship, and the assurances of faith.
Especially today we thank you for… (specific events and people may be named)
We lift up our concerns for others, Loving God.
In Jesus Christ, your saving love scattered the power of death and your eternal light shines in the darkness.
Especially today we call to mind the brokenness of the world and the needs of humanity as we remember before you… (specific events and people may be named)
We trust all these things to your care, O God, and ask that you grant us rest this night and strength for tomorrow.
We pray in the power of the Spirit,
(Adapted from “Daily Prayer for Late Afternoon or Evening Devotions,” Voices United, pp. 911-914.)