Holy One,
We give thanks for those who care for the sick at this difficult time.
For diligent family practitioners and experienced specialists,
we thank you.
For care-full nursing staff
We thank you.
For cheerful housekeeping workers,
We thank you.
For attentive care aides,
We thank you.
For skilled X-Ray Technicians,
We thank you.
For administrators and support staff,
We thank you.
Holy One, we know that in hospitals and care homes,
in emergency rooms and in intensive care units,
the work of healing is dangerous and challenging,
and we thank you for those willing to serve.
(time of silent reflection)
We acknowledge the sacrifice and continual pressure that is
the lot of those who care,
and we thank you for work they do for us, and for the communities to which we belong.
Holy One,
May your Love sustain them, your Peace surround them
and your Holy Spirit inspire them through the most challenging times,