Everyone is invited to join us for Sunday morning Worship services at 10:30am. All are welcome to attend.
The Annual Meeting for Londesborough United Church will be held March 9, 2025, 12:30pm, after the morning worship service and a light lunch
Londesborough United Church Outreach Committee would like to once again organize our Annual Food Drive for the Easter distribution. We will place the bins for collecting donations of nonperishable food products and personal hygiene items in the narthex on March 23 and 30 and April 6. Looking forward to your assistance in this continuing need as you are able.
Londesborough UCW will hold their March meeting on the 17th, at 7:00pm, beginning with coffee and fellowship. Sally Brodie, of Bender House Huron Hospice, will be our guest speaker, at 7:30. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Coffee & Conversation is a fun, casual time for friends and neighbours to catch up! It meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11am in the church basement and is open to everyone in the community! A time of great conversations and lots of laughs.
Do you Knit? Do you Crochet? ? The Knitters’ Group have returned and are meeting on Friday afternoons at 1:30. All crafters are welcome. Come join us. It’s lots of fun!
Our church sanctuary is fully accessible with a ramp and automatic doors, as well as the basement is also accessible with an automatic door. Our kitchen has been renovated and with the large basement space and furnished children’s nursery, United is ideal for rentals. Please contact office@londesboroughunited.com for more information.

We are a small, active and vibrant country church, located in the village of, ON.
When asked last year, the majority of our members said that our church feels like a family and we would love for you to discover that for yourself!