Each week, Music Director Barb Bosman shares her favourite hymns and inspirations to encourage and inspire you.
Music Notes
February 7, 2021
Hi, Everyone. Hard to believe that we are into February- and more than a little bit of winter outside my window as I write this. And the Covid situation is looking a bit more favourable- I think I am a bit more apprehensive during this lockdown, than I was before, no doubt because it’s come closer to us all in this area. I know most of us here have friends, or relatives, or knows someone who works at the Seaforth Manor- our hearts and prayers are with everyone there.
One of the themes suggested in the scriptures for today’s worship has to do with healing- not as doctors and nurses do, or as Jesus did, but as we are able to by keeping our hearts open to see what is needed.
The first hymn today is “The Servant Song” VU #595. It was written in 1977 by Richard Gillard(b.1953), born in England, but brought to New Zealand when he was age 3 where he has lived ever since. He was brought up Anglican/ Pentecostal, and was a primary teacher for his career. He had very little music training, but belonged to a folk- praise singing group for many years, which influenced his song-writing style. This is his most well- known composition, first sung in New Zealand but now sung around the world. This isn’t a hymn which we’ve sung too often in our church, but it’s message is good.
Our second hymn this morning, also one which we have not sung often- the choir has sung it as an anthem and I’ve used it in our on- line service sometime in the last year- is from More Voices-# 145- “ Draw The Circle Wide”. It was written in 2008 by a Canadian- Gordon Light, born in Alberta, a self- described “ airforce brat” who was educated in Ontario at Carleton in Ottawa and Trinity College in Toronto. Ordained as a deacon and priest in 1969 and also married to an Anglican priest, Barbara Liotscos, he served in parishes mostly in the west and north, before retiring first to Meaford ,Ontario, but now in Kamloops. Songwriting is one of his hobbies since he retired.
Draw the Circle Wide – YouTube
Our special music today was chosen first of all as a tribute to our nursing homes’ and hospitals’ staff and equally as a tribute to Captain Tom Moore, the British Army Officer known for raising money for health service workers in the face of the battle against the pandemic in its early days. You likely know he celebrated his 100th birthday by walking 100 laps in his nursing home garden , but sadly , this week, passed away due to Covid. The song –“You’ll Never Walk Alone” a 1945 Rogers and Hammerstein song is very inspiring on its own. The version you’ll hear was arranged and sung by Michael Ball, a British performer , who admired Captain Tom, and features this wonderful man and the NHS ( National Health Services) virtual choir. You might remember the words to sing along.
You’ll Never Walk Alone – Captain Tom Moore, Michael Ball & The NHS Voices of Care Choir – YouTube
Have a wonderful, safe week.
Sing along! … When you’re singing at home, you be as loud as you like!